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Plugin Manager CLI

Unmanic has a built-in Plugin Manager CLI. To access this, run:

unmanic --manage_plugins

This will not run the main Unmanic service and may be run while already running the Unmanic service without any interference.

You will be presented with the main menu

$ unmanic --manage_plugins
Starting migrations
There is nothing to migrate
UnmanicLogger - SETUP LOGGER
[?] What would you like to do?: List all installed plugins
> List all installed plugins
Test plugins
Create new plugin
Reload all plugins from disk
Remove plugin

From here you may select on of the available options.

List installed pluginsLists all currently installed Plugins and their status within Unmanic's database
Test pluginsMenu. Lists all currently installed Plugins. Select one to test it
Create new pluginExecutes a guided process to generate a new Plugin template
Reload plugin from diskReload all Plugin data into the database and update any requirements
Remove pluginDelete the Plugin directory and all contents and remove the Plugin from the database
ExitExits the Plugin Manager CLI